How MoleMax can be used to detect Skin Cancer

The best care for your patient… This is the best practice!

Our teams focus on delivering safe, high quality and efficient tools which help medical practices implement strategies for the best patient-centered care.

Improving patient examination experience is essential to create customer satisfaction and engage them in the care and communication process.

MoleMax enables skin cancer specialists to examine the skin beyond the surface layers and detect changes at skin not visible to the human eye.

This makes the diagnosis much easier for the health care professionals and enhances the chances of detecting a malignant Melanoma early.

This non-invasive examination method is not only painless but also allows patients to observe examinations on the screen. Your patients will appreciate the confidence that MoleMax systems bring:

• No use of immersion fluids necessary
• Non-invasive examination method
• Examinations can be observed on the screen by the patient
• No unnecessary excisions
• Early diagnosis of Melanoma
• Unbiased and precise monitoring of higher risk moles
• Clearer distinction between benign and malignant pigmented lesions.
• Easy and long term follow up examinations of pigmented lesions.
• Cost effective

Case Study 1: Single lesion on patient’s shoulder

A 65-year-old male surfer visited Dr. Michael Brown, a skin care physician based in California, for examination of a small (approximately 0.5 cm), black and raised skin lesion on his right shoulder. “Just about six months ago, I noticed this spot on my upper back. At first, I thought it was a harmless one. However, after reading an article about skin cancers being the most common form of cancer in the US, I decided to visit a skin cancer clinic to make sure there was nothing to worry about”.

Dr. Brown is an experienced skin physician with extensive knowledge in Dermoscopy. He believes that the best practice means the best care for his patients. His clinic incorporates MoleMax digital skin imaging system into their daily skin checks. MoleMax HD enables health care professionals to capture a macro, close-up and ELM (Dermoscopy) image of a lesion. Subsequently, the images are recorded and stored in the system’s database. The skin care professional is particularly fond of the trending software feature that MoleMax HD system provides. This component allows for a complete patient history to be kept in a chronological order, with every image taken and every comment added to the patients’ file.

As a result of the examination, Dr Brown determined that the mole appearing on the surfer’s shoulder is a seborrheic keratosis. Even though this type of lesion is one of the most common noncancerous skin growths in older adult, in some cases a seborrheic keratosis can be difficult to distinguish from melanoma.

Dr Brown advised the patient to self-monitor any changes to his skin and advised to schedule a follow-up appointment in 6 months’ time. During the next visit, Dr Brown will take a new image of the mole. The Overlay Follow Up feature in MoleMax system will assist the health care professional to determine any further changes to the lesion. A quick comparison in large scale is one of the most important features health care professionals seek in skin imaging software.

Skin Cancer Facts:

The fact is that current estimates are that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. The research indicates that men older than 50 have a higher risk of developing melanoma than the general population. There are many types of skin cancers that are generally categorized as melanoma or non-melanoma carcinomas.

Melanoma accounts for a relatively small percentage of all skin cancers. However, it is the most deadly form of a skin cancer. A major risk factor for melanoma is repeated exposure to high-intensity sunlight that results in sunburn. Actinic keratoses, basal cell carcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas belong to the non-melanoma skin cancer category and are usually not fatal.

However, in rare cases, non-melanoma skin cancers metastasize therefore early identification and treatment of skin cancers are essential for preventing fatal outcomes.

Case Study 2 : History of melanoma

Dr. Anna Willliams has been seeing patients at Miami Skin Cancer Centre for over 20 years. She is known for clinical expertise in the management of rare and common skin diseases. However, patients who seek her services often have unusual presentations of common skin diseases and are referred to her from regional health care professionals.

Dr. Williams has been looking after Melissa Smith, 35, for over five years. Five years ago, Melissa was diagnosed with Stage I melanoma. At the time, Dr. Williams carefully obtained a record of melanoma and other skin cancer in Melissa’s family history. Approximately 10% of all patients with melanoma have a family history of melanoma. These patients usually develop melanoma at an earlier age and tend to have multiple dysplastic nevi.

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